Top TV Shows of 2020

It’s that time of the year again. Actually, it was that time of year last week but I’m finally getting this posted now.

I don’t really have time to write about TV these days but have been doing this list in some form going on a decade so the tradition continues. 

My usual disclaimer is that as one person, obviously I didn’t watch everything but I did watch a lot and from all the different TV watching options that exist even in the midst of a pandemic, here are my 30 favorite shows from 2020.

I’ll address some blind spots right out of the gate. I bailed midway through season 4 of Better Call Saul (I’ve never liked it as much as some) and while I intend to catch up, I still haven’t so I haven’t seen season 5 which I hear was fantastic. I didn’t watch The Mandalorian because I just don’t like Star Wars stuff and I haven’t gotten to The Undoing or The Flight Attendant yet. I did watch Normal People but its exclusion is not a mistake. I just hated it.

As for everything else, I kind of fudge the eligibility window and say if your season drops mid-december or later the previous year, you’ll be included on this year’s list. So that’s how You qualifies and who knows? If I end up loving Bridgerton, it’ll be on next year’s list. And maybe I’ll stretch the math some more if I end up liking The Flight Attendant as much as I think I might and include it next year. I mean, I do this list out of compulsion and just because I need some outlet to share my TV thoughts so I can make up my own rules.

And as always, since I did take the time to do this, I’m always appreciative of anyone who reads, shares, comments on and engages in any way with this list. Even if it’s just to say I got it all wrong.

Please be forewarned that there are some SPOILERS included in these entries.

So with those rules and exceptions in mind, here are my Top 30 Shows of 2020:

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